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Andrew Floe from Darrington

Down The Rabbit Hole..

 Andrew Floe is a name that has been thrown around in regards to what happened to Jessica Seybold when she disappeared in December of 2017.  He seems to be an associate of Donald Shaffer and lives or lived in Darrington, just off ST RT 530, along the same path as the river runs along side the back of Donald Shaffers former residence.   Information regarding Andrew Floe seems to link him to possibly having a former relationship with a lady by the name of Tammy Blakey. She is interesting in that she owns several properties along the same stretch of road that connects Arlington to Darrington and beyond... She is a pilot and owns or owned a horse ranch at one point and seemed to be an advocate or animal oriented person, as evidenced by her daughters involvement in horses. Interesting that this guy is by all accounts, accused and later found guilty of starving horses himself. The picture included below is from 2006 so Im sure he looks plenty older by now and his association with donnie and billy bolt suggests he also is a drug user.  Its been rumoured that his involvement in the disappearance of Jessica may be simply that he provided or assisted in disposing the body as he has access to heavy equipment like logging trucks, backhoes, etc.  When Jessica's estranged husband initially went to Donnies address he remembered observing a logging truck that had just been idling in the driveway for the 30 or so minutes he was there being told that Jessica casually walked away or had not been seen. Also, another person who is a mutual associate mentioned at one point that Rhianna had told them that she and jason larcom had followed Donnie out to Darrington for something the night Jessica disappeared. Could it be that they went to Andrew Floes house to ask for help or assistance in the use of a back hoe to bury the trailer that has been reportedly buried near the river on the back side of the property ? Various rumors have surfaced that suggest this trailer was where Jessica met her demise and was then buried in effort to conceal the evidence, or maybe even contained Jessica's body at one point? 

Even if Andrew Floe wasn't involved in any way, he is still associated with Donnie Shaffer and on his Facebook page, there is evidence of that in his friends list. however there's something else interesting. These pictures below are just a small sampling of the 5000 "friends" on his FB friend list.  Why would a grown man have damn near 5k friends and a lot of which are very young girls from other countries where sex trafficking victims are often overlooked. If you dig deeper into some of these accounts, there's some questionable if not suggestive pictures and details that suggest something other than just innocent kids fb accounts... below is just a small example, look for yourself, you'll find that something just doesn't seem right about it.. 

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