Jessica Seybold
"Im working on getting away safe..". At one point she video called her mother when Jason had her keys and took Jessica to angel of the winds casino where she waited in the car and told her mother she was scared and she didn't want to piss him off but was hoping to get her keys from him and leave. She stated her registration was missing and she also said not to go to the Arlington address because the guy that lived there was a creep. There is a 911 call from Jessica's mother asking for law enforcement to do a welfare check on Jessica when she was at the angel of the winds parking lot in her car after chatting with her mother that she was scared, the afternoon before she was believed to have disappeared, no one was ever sent, no follow up)The next evening after the very last known messages were sent from her phone, her estranged husband went to the address in Arlington (Donnie Shaffer's house, that she had referred to as 'some creep don', when her husband asked her where she was through text messages the previous 48hrs) and her car was there, and he was given her makeup bag and told that she had simply walked off or gotten a ride to Everett.(Donnie told him this) He was told to take her car which he could not do at the time. At this point, we began to suspect something was up and,(she was last heard from on the 12th of december) after letting another associate of Larcom's know that Jessica was going to be reported missing we were then told her car was at that persons house (this was the 17th of december, a few days after being given her makeup bag and offered her car at donnies house) (Lake Cassidy area house, not far from Arlington house and Angel of The Winds casino) and to come pick it up, that Jason and Rhianna had brought it there.
Rhianna was overheard saying "they wont find anything in the car i cleaned it good and I burned all her stuff."
At this point law enforcement was present when family retrieved the car from this associates house.( located near lake Cassidy) Law enforcement had knowledge at this point that Jessica was reported missing but they did not have reason to believe they needed to take the car into evidence and merely took several photographs but nothing else. The car was taken by a family member from there to a location and parked for about 2 wks and eventually law enforcement took it into custody to search for evidence. When returning the car, family was told there was no evidence of foul play located in the vehicle. While the family had the car a letter from Rhianna to Jason was found in the car. This was important to note because at some point a statement allegedly written by Jessica was shown to someone where it stated that Jessica gave Jason permission to drive her car, but it was not jessicas handwriting, it was Rhiannas.
Most of the people involved were/are known drug users and have been known to law enforcement as criminals and or informants or just nuisances of some type. Jessica had just been going through some recent upheavals in her life and was about to go into a treatment facility when she got mixed up with Jason larcom through the lake Cassidy associate, who has since sold the property and moved. Jason at first pretended to be Jessica's friend, and offered her monetary rewards if she assisted him with 'problems' he was having with trying to locate his 'stolen vehicle', he is well known for being very charming and manipulative to people who don't know him. Every single person I have spoken to who knows of him or knows him personally, not one of them has came to his defense or claimed he was anything less than a 'bad' person, or a 'piece of shit'. He is also known by his self given nickname, Powder. He is known for dating young girls who sell themselves for heroin, and he is extremely abusive. Scroll through his multiple FB accounts and you'll see a definite pattern of behavior regarding at least 3 of his relationships. Jason Larcom has been overheard bragging about throwing a body in a dumpster, his former gf has said that he set her up on a dark dead end street near angel of the winds, years ago, and attempted to beat her to death but she managed to call for help on her flip phone, after which he smashed it and took off leaving her there in the dark alone and beaten until help arrived. He is also known as being an informant for law enforcement which could be part of why it seems the investigation has stalled despite numerous reports, rumors and evidence that he had something to do with Jessica's disappearance. (He has participated in setting other people up for them to get arrested)
At the time of her disappearance he and Rhianna were staying at Donnie Shaffer's, but immediately following the retrieval of her car, it is believed that they relocated to a trailer of an aunt of an associate which was across the street from the lake Cassidy associates house. Rhianna claims they went to sleep and were asleep for over 12 hours the night Jessica went missing. She claims to have woken up briefly sometime during those hours and hearing Donnie yelling profanities at someone, she believed he was yelling at his dog, she claims they left the car keys in the kitchen when they went to bed and that Jessica was in Donnie's room smoking drugs with him. She claims that Donnie had expressed frustration or had an expectation that Jessica was going to have sex with him in exchange for him sharing his drugs with her at some point. Jason also contends that she was with Donnie when they went to sleep in a separate room for approx.. 12 hours and when they awoke she was gone but her car was still outside. In text conversation with him later, he says when they woke up and she was gone, he told Rhianna to get her stuff and lets go, he said something isnt right lets go, so they then drove the car around for another 2 days, claiming that Jessica had sold the car to them, or that they were taking it to get the windshield repaired for her. As mentioned earlierthey even went so far as to attempt to forge a document "bill of sale" handwritten in Rhiannas not Jessicas handwriting. Various rumors have surfaced regarding what happened to Jessica and they involve such names as
- Donnie Shaffer /Donnie Ellis
- Jason larcom
- Rhianna Elizabeth boe/rammage
- Andrew Floe update: it is believed he is the one who drives the logging truck that was observed idling in the driveway when Jessica's estranged husband initially went to Donnies to inquire about Jessica's whereabouts. Andrew's name also has been mentioned in rumors that he assisted with the use of his backhoe in disposing or burying evidence such as a trailer as well as possibly burying Jessica "up on the hillside in Darrington"
- Brandon tearhart
- Billy Bolt (lived in a trailer on the back of the property and said he overheard Jason and Jessica outside, arguing about her car, the night she was last known to be alive and in contact with anyone).
- Cassie (Donnie's then girlfriend who attempted to tell the police reasons why she thought Donnie was involved in Jessica's disappearance)
Some time after Jessica's disappearance, Cassie contacted L.E. and allegedly told them that since returning to Dons house, some things stood out to her as strange. One thing she apparently reported was that a trailer (small, maybe aluminum or wood box/horse trailer, possibly sitting on wooden pallets in backyard area) that used to be on the property somewhere between the house and the river had now been either buried or burned, possibly with evidence inside of it, and that Donnie had recently shot and killed his dog because the dog was digging or attempting to dig around the area where it had been buried. Coincidentally, the dog did come up 'missing' several months after Jessica's disappearance, around the time Cassie approached LE. At some point, a very careful person took a trail nearby dons house at the public river access and worked their way towards the river directly behind dons house and was able to snap severel photographs. In one photograph, what looks like the burnt remnants of wood pallets or something in a rough shape of a rectangle was burned directly in place on a muddy flat area of the yard. If zoomed in, there appears to be charred bits of metal and nails, as would be in a wooden pallet. The other picture is of some white kitchen size household trash bags, through which what looks like chlorine bleach can be seen. There is also a blue lunch cooler pack that has debris and leaves in and on it. Zoomed in close, what appears to be a white napkin, with a spot of rusty brownish color, possibly dried blood spots. The leaves would suggest it had been sitting for some time, since in December the leaves would have already fallen, however the napkin appears crisp white, as if fresh. and the bags do not look as if they'd been sitting through fall or even for longer than a few days.
Donnies ex wife has reported that he's a bad person, he used to beat her and pimp her out to drug dealers in exchange for his drug debts. He has tried to kill her in the past. Various other rumor's heard about him are that he likes to give girls cocktails of drugs and beat them and rape them, repeatedly keeping them inebriated with cocktails of drugs
The new owner of 12327 276th in Arlington claims that when she was attempting to have the property cleaned up, she was told by L.E. not to disturb anything because apparently they were going to be investigating the property, however, she was then informed that no searching or digging of the property would happen until the residents were evicted. (Donnie Shaffer and Billy Bolt) She also said that the only reason she bought the property was because Donnies mother was afraid of him and wanted to get rid of the property. No one has to date come out to the property to search or investigate anything. And in fact, last summer, the new owner while cleaning up one of the defunct trailers on the property, pulled out a mattress that was covered in dried blood. At the time, Donnie was still living on the property and came outside throwing a fit about anyone messing with the trailer or its contents and then proceeeded to burn the mattress and anything else that may have been evidence of his crimes. The new owner also said she has heard that
Donnie and his friend "don't even get off unless they see blood."She also mentioned hearing about the trailer that allegedly donnie buried on the property. She also at one point during the eviction process had attempted to get a restraining order against donnie and was denied. This lady is elderly and is not involved in any drug activity whatsoever.
It was also confirmed that Billy Bolt lived up on the property in a trailer she refered to as disgusting and icky for 15 years. I also found out that the logging truck that was seen running in Donnies yard when Jessicas first was being inquired about most likey belonged to or was in fact operated by Andrew Floe.. Now do some googling about that guy, thats a whole other can of worms;