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Hildegard Hendrickson-Mushroom Hunter 6-8-2013

Hunting for the Mushroom Hunter: A Year Later, the Search Continues for Hildegard Hendrickson

A community still mourns and speculates.

On the eastern slopes of the Central Cascades, the last traces of snow are melting away and the tiny, delicate heads of morel mushrooms are pushing up through carpets of pine needles to greet the beginning of summer. Their emergence marks the start of one of the most prized mushroom-foraging times of the year, drawing hundreds of recreational and commercial mushroom pickers onto narrow Forest Service roads, hiking trails, and ORV paths to harvest their share of the venerable fungi. But this year, those passionate foragers will miss an ally, a teacher, and a friend, because last June 8, Hildegard Hendrickson, the godmother of Washington mushroom hunting, ventured among the burnt remains of a pine forest looking for morels and vanished.
  • I learned about Hendrickson’s disappearance in late April. I was researching a story on mushroom foraging—a seemingly fun hobby, the perfect combination of hiking, treasure hunting and cooking. After only a few minutes of researching how one might get involved, I came across the Puget Sound Mycological Society (PSMS), a nonprofit founded in 1964 that’s now one of the largest mushroom societies in the country. The society runs mushroom identification, or ID, clinics on Monday nights during the two prime mushroom seasons—starting in April and September—at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture. They provide novices and experts alike the opportunity to talk shop and have their mushrooms identified for free. Identification of mushrooms is of vital importance: Thousands of species exist, many are poisonous, and some that look identical to their edible counterparts will kill you if ingested.
    As I made plans to visit the clinic, one thing continued to catch my eye: the name “Hildegard Hendrickson ID Clinic.” It sounded familiar, but I didn’t know why. A quick Google search brought up images of an older woman with short, curly gray hair tucked beneath the band of a tan visor. Her face is wrinkled and smiling; in her hands is a giant mushroom. A memory came flooding in.
    It was a balmy June afternoon in 2010. Friends and I found something unusual in the backyard of our house in north Seattle. Between two fruit trees—which always managed to drop an impressive, and at times annoying, number of plums onto the scrappy patch of grass we called a yard—we found mushrooms: tan, phallic, brainy, and large. They were morels—one of the most sought-after mushrooms in the Pacific Northwest and beyond—but we didn’t know that then. A few minutes of Internet research led me to the PSMS and a phone number. When I called, Hendrickson answered.
    She told me to pick the mushrooms and stop by her house, just a few blocks away. I found her in her garden, watering roses. She greeted me warmly, offered me icewater, and immediately identified the mushrooms as morels—one of which, she told me beaming, was the largest she’d ever seen. We had a pleasant conversation; I gave her the monster morel for one of her classes; and we parted ways. The interaction lasted 15 minutes, but it stayed with me.

    Photo By Patrick Hutchison
    The ID clinics were officially named after her this year, and scrolling through the PSMS website, I learned why: She was a longtime member who, tragically, went missing while on a hunt for morels, the same mushrooms she identified from my yard that June afternoon.
    On Saturday, June 8, 2013, Hendrickson drove east from Everett on US 2 in her green Ford Focus, arriving at the Minnow Creek Trailhead near Basalt Peak in the early afternoon. Her drive up Chikamin Ridge Road to the Minnow Creek trailhead would have been a bumpy one. The narrow gravel Forest Service road would have just been rid of the last hangings-on of winter snow patches, leaving everything underneath muddy and soft. The year before, fires had raged through this area. Though it is extremely difficult to forecast the locations of wild mushroom patches, morels often grow in areas that have suffered wildfires. Normally much harder to find and beloved for their dense, meaty texture and rich flavor, fire-burn morel patches are like pots of gold at the end of a smoky rainbow.
    According to police case files, at the trailhead Hendrickson talked to Seattle cardiologist Dr. Anthony Okos. He told Chelan County detectives that he’d tried to advise Hendrickson that the trail was quite steep and that she may want to reconsider hiking up it—a reasonable suggestion from a doctor who saw a 79-year-old woman about to tackle a rather challenging trail. Little did he know that Hendrickson, a regular picker, hiked several times a week. According to several family members and friends who have been to the trail, it wouldn’t have been a problem for her.
    Off she set on the immediately inclined Minnow Creek Trail, leaving her car parked just off the road. At approximately 1:30 p.m., two separate witnesses, a hiker and a Forest Service ranger, came upon Hendrickson about halfway up the trail, picking morels just a few dozen feet from the established path. They were the last people to see her.
    She wasn’t reported missing until three days later, when a fellow mushroom hunter, Igor Malcevski, noticed the car had been parked in the same spot for several days. (Hendrickson was completely independent. It wasn’t unusual for her sons not to talk to her for a week or more.) Upon closer inspection, Malcevski saw that the doors were unlocked and that there was a purse inside. Thinking the car’s owner might be in some sort of trouble, he looked in the purse for identification, and immediately recognized Hendrickson from her driver’s license. He called 911 and reported that Hildegard Hendrickson may be in trouble.

    Photo By Patrick Hutchison
    News reports at the time of her disappearance kept repeating these details. Searches were unsuccessful, uncovering no clues. After six days, they were suspended.
    Reading all this a year later, I made the assumption that she must have wandered off too far, fell, or gotten lost. She was 79, after all, and these were rough hiking trails. But then I found a Seattle Times article stating that detectives had considered foul play. And, perhaps most striking, there were no updates. I found no written memorial to the kind woman I’d met several years before, no article stating that her disappearance had been solved. There was no conclusion, and I wanted to know more. I requested case files from the Chelan County Sheriff’s department, and made plans to visit the Hildegard Hendrickson ID Clinic.
    The clinics, now in their third year, are a relatively new addition to the PSMS, according to Marian Maxwell, acting president of the organization and longtime friend of Hendrickson. Before, people had to call—as I did—or come to a meeting to get their finds identified. Hendrickson helped start the clinics to promote membership in the group and teach newcomers about mushroom identification, Maxwell explains to me over the phone. “She was always extremely giving of her time and her knowledge”—knowledge that she passed on to people like Josh Powell.
    When he greets me at my first ID clinic visit, Powell, dressed in black slacks, black shirt, and a dark gray tie, seems more like a bartender or club owner than a mushroom hunter. As a former program director at all-ages music venue The Vera Project, it’s a dress code that’s familiar to him. Until recently, Powell was a mycophile only in his free time, but his passion for mushrooms has led him to quit his job and pursue a Ph.D. in mycology. He credits Hendrickson: “I’d been picking since 2006 or so, but it was when I started coming to the ID clinics and met Hildegard that everything really changed. She had this amazing knowledge of how everything interacted: the mushrooms, the trees, the seasons, the altitude. She knew so much and was so happy to teach others.” Others at the clinic say similar things, as I would expect from friends. What I didn’t expect were their thoughts on her disappearance.
    Multiple PSMS members, including Powell, believe only one conclusion: foul play. They point to her years of experience and her “pragmatism.” She wouldn’t have ventured far from the trail, they believe. She couldn’t have gotten lost—certainly not so far as to be invisible to search teams.
    The six-day search began the day Malcevski made the 911 call. It involved five different search teams, two helicopters, three bloodhounds, and an army of volunteer searchers, who altogether hunted more than 2,500 hours. High-probability areas were scoured up to eight times. Chelan County Sheriff’s Deputy Gene Ellis would later call it the largest search effort he had seen in his 24-year career with the department. The result of their work? Nothing. No clues, no leads, no suspects, not a trace of Hendrickson.
    To find answers where there were none, those familiar with Hendrickson have come up with theories. Two women who were foraging around the time reported a suspicious man with a scar on his nose. He had asked a few pickers a few too many questions and made them uncomfortable: “Are you picking alone?” “Are you hunting with men, or women?” “Do you know there are dangerous people around?”
    Detectives later learned the man was Christopher Dodson, a mushroom forager who had come to the area with his friend Lester Stolze, a Chelan County Swiftwater Rescue volunteer. They questioned both men and never considered them suspects. Dodson readily admitted to talking to the women, saying he had heard that a person had gone missing and was merely speaking to inform and warn the women about shady—possibly commercial—pickers in the area.
    Commercial pickers are another twist to the story. They belong to an industry few even know exists, but are detailed extensively in Seattle author Langdon Cook’s recent book The Mushroom Hunters: On the Trail of an Underground America. When I meet with Cook at Smith, a bar on Capitol Hill, he explains how it works: “It is this throwback to frontier-style capitalism, a hidden economy both figuratively and literally.” He tells me how fickle mushrooms—growing in different microclimates, in different seasons, at different altitudes, and near only certain species of tree—necessitate an ever-moving picking force, usually immigrants, either Southeast Asian or Hispanic. They move with the mushrooms and the seasons, setting up temporary camps and selling to buyers who in turn provide the mushrooms to restaurants and grocers or sell them at markets.

    Photo By Patrick Hutchison
    “It really has these echoes of the Gold Rush,” says Cook. It’s an all-cash industry that exists mostly underground and out of sight, but sometimes the world of commercial hunters and recreational hunters collide: “It doesn’t happen all that often, but when it does, there can be disagreements.” According to The Mushroom Hunters, there’s a stigma against commercial pickers: that they’re hurting the environment and taking all the mushrooms, that they’re violent and unpredictable. A Reuters story from 1993 reported three shootings in a two-week period of morel picking in La Grande, Oregon. Rumors have circulated of brawls, stabbings, and shootings. Cook’s book works to dispel a lot of them, depicting hard-working families trying to make a living—although, Cook admits to me, “That is a side of the business: that it attracts some sketchy people.” If the rumors are true, it’s easy to see why people would be tight-lipped about them: Violent mushroom-picking camps only attract attention and more restrictions on prime picking sites.
    According to Maxwell, Hendrickson had no problem speaking her mind about commercial pickers, who often were found picking over their legal limit, restricted in some areas, like Minnow Creek. “Hildegard was very forthright. She was not afraid to speak her mind and she did not always agree with commercial picking. I think possibly there could have been someone in the area that took exception to a comment that she made. That’s just my best guess, that something out of the ordinary happened to make her disappear or that someone helped her disappear, but there’s no evidence to that.”
    Cook imagines Hendrickson’s disappearance may have involved commercial pickers, but as an accident. “It’s a tight logging road that’s hemmed in by willows and other overhanging vegetation, windy and narrow. People drive too fast sometimes. I wonder if someone didn’t accidentally hit her while she was picking near the road, panic, and hide her.” Even if that’s not exactly what happened, Cook is in the camp that some wrongdoing was involved. “It was a hard site to get lost in, and you didn’t have to walk far to find morels. It just doesn’t add up. At this point, you have to look at foul play.”
    There are too many theories. Cook has put the idea of a reckless driver in my mind. My own assumptions involve animal attacks and natural causes—a heart attack or a stroke. Hendrickson’s fellow mushroom pickers, like Maxwell and Powell, have given me their own speculations. Dutifully, detectives checked out all possible scenarios—even leads from unlikely sources, including a psychic who had a dream in which Hendrickson died of natural causes and had fallen near a stream, under some brush, and was very hard to see.
    Strengthening the foul-play theory, all the most obvious explanations are easy to dismiss. If she had fallen, tripped, or had a heart attack or a stroke, she almost certainly would have dropped something: her blue metallic walking stick, silver mushroom basket, glasses, hat, or even the gold morel charm she wore around her neck, a gift from her late husband Monte. But after 2,500 hours of searching, no items or clues were found. If she had been attacked by an animal, obvious signs of a struggle would have certainly been found, along with at least one of her accessories.
    So had she wandered off—in search of some mushroom Eden, some more bounteous patch? Had she ventured farther than usual from the path? According to friends and family, definitely not. Maxwell notes, “She was not a weak person. She was not a feeble person. She was very vigorous, sharp as a tack, knew how to use a compass, had a walking stick, always carried her water bottle, and was always careful. This was not a careless person. She had knees that bothered her a little bit, but that woman could out-hike a lot of people.”
    “Her bad knee was from a tennis injury when she was younger,” says Hendrickson’s son Andy, who has met me at the Wild Vine Bistro, a little bar near his house in Bothell. His head shaved, dressed in a yellow T-shirt and shorts, the FEMA Emergency Response Specialist, over a few beers, fights emotion to tell me his mother’s story.
    Born in 1934 in Yugoslavia, Hendrickson was only a girl when WWII hit her small town. When the Russians came through from the east, the family fled to Austria. “They were all fluent in German, which wasn’t the best characteristic at the time,” Andy tells me. Hendrickson eventually emigrated to America and settled in Seattle, where she enrolled at the University of Washington to study business and economics, eventually earning a Ph.D. in finance. She would go on to become a professor at Seattle University, where she taught for several decades and helped found the school’s MBA program. She was a tennis player, a gardener, and a devout Catholic, attending Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Wedgwood and volunteering as a financial advisor to the archdiocese. But above all, she was a devoted mother and wife. She married an Army veteran, Monte Hendrickson, whom she had met in Europe and reconnected with in Seattle. Together they had two children, Andy and his older brother, Joe.
    Hendrickson began foraging in the late ’70s after neighbors suggested that she and Monte join them for a weekend hunt. At the time, mushroom foraging was a niche hobby rather than a potential business; individual enthusiasts would take to the hills for a few choice mushrooms for their table. According to Andy, the request came as a surprise. “Where my mother came from, in Europe, you shared mushroom-hunting patches with only your closest friends and family on your deathbed. It wasn’t a recreational activity to do with friends. People were really secretive about their patches.” For Hendrickson, that warm invitation would prove life-changing. She joined the PSMS and started absorbing all she could, quickly becoming one of the most knowledgeable members.
    As Hendrickson’s expertise increased, so did the interest of savvy restaurantgoers and chefs. By the beginning of the ’90s, wild mushrooms were gaining ground as a sought-after ingredient, inspiring former loggers familiar with the terrain, and immigrants who enjoyed the anonymity of an all-cash trade that didn’t require a formal education, to take to the woods in search of income. And as their produce showed up in restaurants and specialty stores, the numbers of recreational enthusiasts started growing to match, bringing more and more members to clubs like the PSMS, where people like Hendrickson were waiting to educate them.
    She started leading guided field trips and classes. While other members would join, learn the basics, then move on to enjoy their own private patches on their own time, Hendrickson kept teaching and sharing. Her love of mushrooms turned to a love of other harvests: She gardened with more fervor and started planting fruit trees, joined the Seattle Fruit Tree Society, and became an expert at kiwi cultivation. Andy still remembers the boxes of kiwis in the basement, which would slowly ripen alongside pears and other fruits until they ended up on the dinner table. Sipping his beer, Andy recalls, “Most nights, you would look around the dinner table and realize 90 percent of what you were eating came from the garden.”
    But Hendrickson’s zeal didn’t stop at family dinners. “We’d go on these weekend trips. Everyone had a trailer and would leave on Friday night, meeting up somewhere near Mt. Rainier or St. Helens, and we’d spend the whole weekend, camping, picking, having potlucks.”
    The story of Hendrickson’s life brings Andy to the present and her disappearance. As do the friends and colleagues I’ve already spoken to, he believes there might be more to the story: “I think someone knows something about what happened to her.”

    Photo By Machel Spence
    Icall Sgt. Kent Sisson of the Chelan County Sheriff’s Office, who led the search effort for Hendrickson, to try to get a sense of balance, an objective opinion. Sgt. Sisson explains his role coordinating the search and candidly offers his theory: “I believe she’s still up there and we simply haven’t found her [body] yet.”
    Because Hendrickson is the department’s most recent and active case, they use it as a training opportunity for search-and-rescue volunteers. Three months after her disappearance, Sgt. Sisson and a group of a dozen or so volunteers and team leaders, many of whom were involved with the original search, gathered at Minnow Creek to search again, practicing basic search-and-rescue techniques, but also hoping to find any clues. That follow-up search had turned up nothing, but another is scheduled for late May, and Sgt. Sisson welcomes me to attend.
    Arriving early on a Saturday morning, I see a half-dozen or so SAR (search-and-rescue) trucks, a trailer, and a few motorcycles parked near Minnow Creek Trailhead. Sgt. Sisson is briefing a group of volunteers with details about Hendrickson’s last known location, experience, physical ability, and identifying features. Beside him is a whiteboard with GPS coordinates and a large, detailed topographical map of the area. When Sgt. Sisson finishes his briefing, the volunteers make final adjustments to their gear and gather in their appointed groups. The communications center starts up its generator, everyone does a radio check, and the search begins, each group hiking out to their assigned locations. Since I’m not SAR-trained, and to prevent distracting the volunteers, I will be searching alone.
    From the small parking area where Hendrickson’s car was found, I start walking the trail, which immediately climbs and doesn’t stop for several miles until the summit at Basalt Peak. To move off the trail is to find yourself on an exceptionally steep slope, made all the more dangerous by inches of dried pine needles that slip under your feet like marbles, and a jumble of burned and fallen logs and branches. Then there are the massive pits and holes, a landscape of gouged earth that I don’t understand. Sgt. Sisson explains, “When you have a fire that burns this hot, it burns the roots in the ground and creates these cavities that can open up and swallow things above them.” Many of these cavities, some big enough to hide a person, could still be covered by a few branches and a layer of pine needles. I start to realize just how possible it would be to trip or fall, and just how hard it could be to find someone.
    After a full day of searching, once again no new clues are found, but a handful of volunteers got some extra practice. As long as the case remains active, they’ll keep coming back to look. The mushroom hunters will return as well. For those who knew Hendrickson, it will be a difficult trip, but everyone will cope with the loss in their own way: some with anger, some with disbelief, some with hope.
    After a recent ID clinic, Wren Hudgins, a friend of Hendrickson and possibly the last person to pick with her just a few days before she went missing, pulls me aside. “You know, I was in Iceland when she went missing, and it killed me to not be able to help in the search. When I got back, I went up there and walked around. I just took a few hours and talked to her.” I wait for Hudgins to say more, but he simply looks up and smiles, then turns and packs a few chairs from the clinic into his truck. He has no idea what happened to her, either, but he’s one of the few who wasn’t quick to talk about the disappearance.
    Perhaps he prefers to focus only on the good Hendrickson did. And there was certainly a lot to focus on. As her son Joe said at her memorial and later to me, “The world would be a better place if it were filled with people like my mother.”
    If you have any information about Hendrickson’s disappearance, please contact Sgt. Kent Sisson at the Chelan County Sheriff’s Department at 509-667-6864.

    • Thank you so much for this beautiful article! Hilda was my grandma, but I always called her Oma (grandmother is German). Not only does she fit the wonderful descriptions that you gave her, but she was the best grandmother I could have ever asked for. 
      I'm a Sophomore in college right now and I can remember last year I was over at a friends house after studying for finals and my dad called me to tell me the news. He was already up searching for her along with my Uncle, Joe. It took me about 5 days to finish my finals and get back home to Seattle and those were some of the most stressful days of my life. The morning after I returned, I left with my dad (who came home for a day to check on my Oma's house) and step-brother to continue searching and did so for about 2 days straight.
      She was such amazing women that was taken from us far too early. She had a positive impact on everyone that she met and will be remembered forever. She's paying for a large portion of mine and my sister's college tuition, for which I am forever grateful.
      Thank you again for writing such a great story about my Oma!
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          I wasn't close to her but I believe your grandma lived in my neighborhood in North Seattle and I have been thinking about this ever since our block watch group reported this in our area.
          Also, this happened as well to the husband of my aunt, my Uncle Harry aka Stan March. In 1997, my uncle, who was also part of the same mushroom society Psms and even made their logo, went mushroom hunting by himself in Sultan, Washington. He went missing and they had a hundred(?) people looking for him for many days and not a trace was found. No sign of struggle or anything. He too was a very experienced mushroom hunter and frequented that area often. The authorities thought that maybe some of the wild animals that live in that area could be to blame but yet no evidence of that.
          They also pointed out that mushroom hunters are very territorial. Nonetheless, he just disappeared. The search team even volunteered to let my aunt and I ride in their helicopter to see for ourselves.
          It obviously turned my Aunt and my family's lives upside down and she had to make many unforeseeable adjustments to her life to make up for her loss.
          This makes me wonder if there are other cases similar to this. Very truly sorry for your loss.
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          What most people in Washington State don't know is that Hildegard Hendrickson was one of the foremost authorities on the genealogy of Appalachian Kentucky families. When her husband, Monte Hendrickson, began searching for his own roots Hildegard jumped right into it just like she did everything else. Eventually she and Monte published a Hendrickson genealogy book, then a 5-volume Asher history (80,000 names in the database), and eventually a history of the Knuckles family. Whatever money they made from selling their books was donated to the Asher Family Reunions which are held in Red Bird, KY, on land that Monte's ancestor purchased from Chief Red Bird himself. Each October they would arrive in Kentucky and stay with me and my family in Lexington before going to Southeastern Kentucky where the reunions are still held at the original log cabin of Dillion Asher, first tollgate keeper on the Wilderness Road. We have as many as 500 people at these reunions, and we all love and miss Hildegard so much. She was not just a genealogy cousin. She and I were very close, and I loved her like a sister.
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              Fredwyn, do we know who picked up her databases? Not sure how I tie in to the Asher Line, but I'm through the Jones-Hendrickson line out of Laurel County (Pg.370 in the 2006 Edition of the Hendrickson book). I never met her in person, but her warmth and love for the family came through loud and clear in her emails. As an herbalist, I wish I had known about her mushroom adventures long ago.
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                  We are probably cousins. Stephen Jones was a Revolutionary Soldier who settled in Harlan County. And I have 3 or 4 Hendrickson lines. I don't know who if anybody has the Hendrickson info. The Asher Association is still selling the Asher books on CD, but they have not tried to update it. And she gave my mother and me her Knuckles database before she died.
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                      We are indeed cousins. Stephen's g-g-son, Wiley Jones and his Wife, Sarah Hendrickson are my 4ggrandparents, maternal line (I'm on page 370 of the 2006 Edition of her Hendrickson Book). We have SAR and DAR supplemental apps pending for Stephen. That's what Hildegard did, bring folks together. I sent a note to her grandson, Clayton, through Facebook offering to take up the Hendrickson mantle. Not sure if he'll respond.
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                          I'll be interested to know if Stephen goes through all right. That is the line I used for DAR also, but others are always trying to challenge any line you establish. I think Stephen is pretty clear cut, but supplamentals take a long time. Hildegard and I both thought Hendrickson was DAR also, but we could never prove it. Do you mind givings me some of your stats? I plan to move to Florida in a year or two and will work on genealogy full times. People change email and phones all the time, but snail mail addresses are more permanent. I am a retired hospital pharmacist. Fredwyn Creech Schwendeman
                          1620 Maywick View Lane
                          Lexington, KY 40504.
                          Phone 859-338-1346
                          My mother was Lillian Broughton Creech, and she wrote (with my assistance) CREECH LINEAGE
                          BROUGHTON LINEAGE
                          KENTUCKY LINEAGE
                          PIONEER PROFILES (Sargent/Sergent and Powell)
                          and KNUCKLES of KENTUCKY
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                              Fredwyn - just sent you a quick note via U.S. mail with my contact info. More soon. Joey D.
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                                  Hope you have finished your boards by now. We have been snowed in here in Lexington. I just went through my Jones records for the first time in years. Evidently Mother and I started a Jones book and got about 60 pages done. Must have been around 1960 when she first retired. We had Ambrose and Catherine Jones' youngest child as Stephen Jones. I have a note that Ambrose's will was filed in Granville Co, NC in 1792. Ambrose is recognized by the DAR for public service. I haven't tried to dig out the will, but his children were Gabriel, James, Ambrose, Ruben, and Stephen and a girl. Since this is a DAR line it should make it easier.
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                                      I finally received the letter from you. Very interesting family. I forget why you wrote. I am 75 and getting absent minded. I am retired and would like to work full time just compiling what I have on each different branch of the family so I can share it while I am alive.
                                      I guess you were interested in Jones. Or maybe it was Asher and Hendrickson connections. We seem to be related in many ways. I rarely work on any of those families. I save whatever I encounter, but I always passed Asher and Hendrickson to Hildegard. I trusted Monte and Hildegard Hendrickson and Steve Bingham to do the Ashers. Joe Gillis Hendrickson did the Hendricksons, and after his death Hildegard re-typed his whole book into her Brothers Keeper format and started keeping Hendrickson info also. Then Steve Bingham had a personal tragedy, Monte died, and all that fell on Hildegard also. I don't know a whole lot about these families even though they are important to me. I have 3 Hendrickson lines. I guess I thought Hildegard would live forever and would do all the work for me forever. She and I were about the same age.
                                      Janene Simpson is not your usual genealogist. She, Hildegard, and I were all great friends. Janene organizes the Asher reunion pretty much by herself every year, keeps the Asher mailing list, does the newsletters, and did all the legwork to find local information for Hildegard. Janene had nothing to do with writing the books. Hildegard did that by herself. Janene sells the books. She is a great gal. If you are thinking about attending an Asher reunion you should do it ASAP. There used to be a Historic Trust to take care of Dillion Asher's log house, but I think Red Bird Mission maintains it now. Red Bird Mission has financial problems of its own and may not be there forever. Also, Janene is not young, and when she is gone there does not seem to be anybody else willing to take over the work. They all want her data, but they may not do much with it. Everything Janene and I know is in the books. Hildegard did not believe in putting trivia in the books. She knew so much, but she only published data.
                                      My mother and I wrote family histories together. Like you and your mother it gave us a common bond and provided much entertainment. We wrote 9 before she died: Creech, Broughton, Slusher, Woolum, Payne, Durham, Sargent/Sergent, Powell, and Knuckles. Jones is a family we kind of neglected. There are so many Joneses in Harlan County that I just latched onto some of the research that they did for my first DAR line. This was about 40 years ago. I come down through Stephen's son, Speed S. Jones. Or was Speed his grandson? It has been so long I can't remember. All my Jones information is in good order, but it is in the basement. I have been to Speed and Sally (Sargent) Jones' log cabin and have pictures of it. It was still a"residence" when I was there about 1960. I guess you have gone further back with the Jones family than I have. I never could figure out who Stephen's parents were. I always wondered if there was a connection with the Speeds since my ancestor was named that. And Stephen's Gabriel was the same way: Gabriel Jones, the "Valley Lawyer" was so well known that there may be a connection with him. I would love to get started with this family again.
                                      I notice that your Wiley Jones' (another interesting name) parents-in-law are John Hendrickson and Mary Johnson. They are my ancestors also. I have been to Mary's grave and have a picture of it. John Hendrickson's old log house was standing (if you could call it that) till a few years ago, and some Hendrickson brothers bought it and put it in storage. People hardly ever get around to doing such projects, but I think they have the money to reconstruct it. They are interesting men. Big into preserving the history of the Confederacy and re-enacting the Civil War.
                                      I am pretty rusty on general family history right now because I just finished doing the Knuckles family, but some of it may interest you. It is in Brothers Keeper, and it cannot be emailed. I can Xerox a few pages and snail mail them if you want it. My great grandmother, Nancy Knuckles, married twice. I descend through her first marriage, but the second husband was a Garrett. Hildegard and her friend, Brenda Coda, helped me dig out some Garrett information since the Garretts are Knuckles descendants also. In fact, when you said Rosa Garrett I thought it was my mother's "half-aunt" Rosa Garrett. What I can mail you will not be early history. It is just the descendants of John Garrett (b.1833, NC, d. 1882, Bell Co, KY) and Nancy Jane Knuckles. John Garrett's first wife was Lucinda Hendrickson, d/o Nancy (Wilder?) and William Hendrickson. Does this connect with your family?
                                        see more
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                                          I have not received anything fromyou via snail mail. My address is 1620 Maywick View Lane, Lexington, KY 40504.
                                          I have moved twice recently, but things usually get forwarded.
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                                  I believe this person was featured in the David Paulides book "Missing 411".
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                                    We all miss Hilda at the Asher reunion; its hard to believe that we won't see her at the table Friday night of the reunion weekend adding names to her wonderful books.
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                                        My condolences to the family of Ms. Hendrickson. This is a very tragic story.
                                        If I may add, I will also say that Hendrickson's story reminds me of many others from Paulides' "Missing 411" series of books. Mr. Paulides has identified a certain set of criteria that shows similarities between hundreds (and I believe he has up to 1,200 current missing case files?) of the missing persons. It's mind-blowing information and I highly encourage the family of Ms. Hendrickson to investigate his claims.
                                        A good starting point would be to view the videos from Paulides' CanAm Project. Videos for the Atadero, McGrogan and Dametz cases have been posted:
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                                          Patrick: Thank you for a wonderful story that generated such great comments. I am sure that you opened windows to the hearts of many readers as you did with me..
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                                              Very touching story... thank you. Your MoM sounds like a wonderful person.
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                                                  thanks obama :/
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                                                      My condolences to all families that have endure this---I'm not understanding your correlation to Obama. This is a very serious situation that goes far more further than political. These disappearances have been happening way before Obama came into office. Do your research on the thousands of missing people for over hundreds of years in our National Parks..So understand what your stating, before making crass remarks.
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                                                          I would not be surprised if Guest was making a comment on another story, and his computer "jumped" to this one, leaving his comment on a story that had no bearing on the subject he was reading. I have had that happen to me, and it is so embarrassing and infuriating at the same time!

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