SECTIONS New York Daily News NEWS SUBSCRIBE Crime U.S. World Politics Two killers leave a trail of bodies along I-5 BY MARA BOVSUN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Sunday, March 23, 2014, 1:00 AM Tweet email (COURTESY NEWS-SENTINEL) MARCH 9 1981 PHOTO BEST QUALITY. AP PROVIDES ACCESS TO THIS PUBLICLY DISTRIBUTED HANDOUT PHOTO PROVIDED BY MARION COUNTY SHERIFF (AP) Roger Reece Kibbe (l.), the I-5 Strangler. Randy Woodfield (r.), the I-5 Killer, was in jail when new monster came to light. Interstate 5 stretches nearly 1,400 miles from the Mexican border to British Columbia. Except for a brief section where it is known as the San Diego Freeway, most natives simply refer to the road as “The Five.” But in the 1980s, it might just as well have been called the Highway of Death. Two serial killers, working separately, stalked women along the interstate through the decade. One would become known as the I-5 Killer, the other the I-5 Strangler. Together, they ...
News and information that tends to be scattered and overlooked. Local legends, and cases that are forgotten overlooked never given a second look thanks to a failed system of justice. Knowledge is power, and the truth is often overlooked by those in power. But the truth is what makes us free and those in power keep us enslaved.