I used to be an avid reader of the Herald. When I moved to everett 13 years ago, I subscribed to delivery and was a loyal reader for many years. I have found that as time goes on, I am finding myself more and more in awe at the bias of the stories written. Ive noticed that not only are the stories innaccurate and bias, but poorly organized. One such story has hit me at a personal level and that is the coverage of the recent murder trial in Everett of George d. Hatt. I believe I sat near ms. Hefley and not once did she or anyone else bother to ask anyone from the victims family anything. The firsr article was riddled with errors of facts and hearsay from the trial. It seemed very much in favor of the defendant and I felt it was even disrespectful to the victim, whose name is barely mentioned well into the second paragraph. And again, why didnt the writer get deeper into the thoughts or emotions of the people involved? I was there throughout most of the trial, with Andrew Spencers mother...
News and information that tends to be scattered and overlooked. Local legends, and cases that are forgotten overlooked never given a second look thanks to a failed system of justice. Knowledge is power, and the truth is often overlooked by those in power. But the truth is what makes us free and those in power keep us enslaved.